How to Turn Funders into Your Project Stakeholders
There is a relationship between funding agencies and their grantees. The most successful grantees nurture those relation…
There is a relationship between funding agencies and their grantees. The most successful grantees nurture those relation…
Utilization of advanced technologies can often be considered an industry-accepted best management practice (BMP) for cap…
Are you looking to hire us to help you with searching for the grants you’re most competitive? Curious about how we do …
There are two ways to approach grant research: an active approach or a passive approach. We’re not here to say one is …
Want to make your water infrastructure project more fundable? Funders are interested in supporting projects that are bro…
Want to know exactly how to take advantage of these new federal funds? Tia Cavender, CEO of Dig Deep, outlined four step…
Dig Deep’s Application Review Checklist helps you determine if your project will be competitive enough to justify the time and resources required to prepare the grant application.
DownloadDig Deep’s Grant Readiness Checklist – a tool to help you assess your organization’s ability to compete for and manage grants.
DownloadLet’s dig deep and discover the best funding options for you.