Dig Deep Research isn’t a grant writing service. We’re your trusted advisor for navigating the complex world of water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure funding. We help you craft comprehensive, customized strategies that ensure your project gets the attention and funding it deserves.
Dig Deep helps secure the right funding, at the right time, for the right projects—so you can serve your community best.

Who We Serve
Those ready to invest in a long-term strategic, collaborative approach to funding.
You don’t know what you don’t know. We look at the entire landscape to determine the best ways to get you funded.
Those who are at least 18 months away from their expected project funding.
Deeply understanding your project(s) and seeking the best funding sources takes time.
Who We Don't Serve
Someone just looking for a grant writer.
The Grant Professional Association is a fantastic resource for finding grant writers.
Engineering firms seeking a teaming arrangement.
Sorry. This usually doesn’t align with the clients’ best interests.
We Deliver
The Best Data-Driven Advice
Our proprietary grants database helps us match your projects with the right capital funding source
The Best Experts
Our team boasts more than 75 years of combined experience winning capital funding for water infrastructure projects
The Best ROI
Our clients typically see 100% ROI within 18 months—and even greater results over time.