You Never Know Until You Ask

Having trouble finding grant opportunities? Not sure if an application is worth the time and resources to complete? Confused about where to begin in general? We get it. The world of grants is overwhelming. Even experienced grant-writers struggle sometimes.

So how do you navigate this world? Put your questions to use and ask them. Whether you consult a program officer or a grant-writing consultant, there are people who have the skills and knowledge to assist you in the process.

Program officers can be particularly useful since every funding agency has a contact person, or program officer, that is responsible for managing the application process for a given opportunity. Create a list of questions, asking for their perspective on how well your project aligns with their priorities. In addition, ask them to give you suggestions, both general and specific, about things to include that will make your proposal stronger.

If you want to invest in a consultant, you then open the door to additional grant-seeking resources like paid subscription services and therefore be able to more efficiently and effectively identify funding opportunities. In addition to their resources, consultants can answer many if not all of the questions you have regarding the entire process. Make full use of this optional investment by engaging them as much as you can.

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Funding Potential Worksheet
Stakeholder Power and Interest Grid

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